My Girl

My Girl
Clear and Thoughtful Eyes Focused on the World

Welcome to a mother's blog

Welcome to my blog about my daughter's amazing opportunity to participate on the Rwandan Human Rights Delegation. I have set this blog up in effort to help us, her family and friends, in "keeping up" with the kid as she begins her support raising and all the way through to her arrival back in the US. Thank you for visiting, and thank you in advance for all your comments, advise, donations, support and all your prayers concerning her.

In typical Rachel fashion, this adventure started in a 7 day whirlwind of activity with her nomination, application, interview, and selection to the 15 person delegation! This nonprofit delegation is being sent to assess and document the progress in Rwanda since the terrible genocide that had occured there 15 years ago. I personally can not imagine a more frank, trustworthy and thoughtful representative of our great country than she, so....already I must say, "Good job Delegation Board!"

I hope you enjoy the ride with us and appreciate the view as seen only through her eyes. Buckle up! Next stop is fundraising!
Goal: $5,000.00 Time: 2 months! (Good Grief Sister!)
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